I visited the Elizabeth Gaskell house/museum in Manchester, where I was asked to pick an object out of the house, do research and create a response. To me it only felt right to chose the ink and feather from her desk, as Elizabeth was a famous Author who loved to write. I simply used ink,... Continue Reading →


  As a fun activity our tutor set us a Photoshop challenge, were we were to complete either a domestic or commercial Photoshop piece. I chose domestic, just playing around with colour schemes and shadows to create a homely sense. I enjoy using Photoshop as I have no limitations in producing visuals. As a fun... Continue Reading →


INTRODUCTION With rapid technology change and increased student numbers, the design of flexible learning spaces has become essential. The development of wireless and mobile connection has made it easier to re think and support a wider variety of educational approaches. But the flexibility of large spaces where both learning and teaching can take place presents... Continue Reading →


INTRODUCTION An essential vehicle for ascent and descent, a symbol for success (and failure) wealth and extravagance the stair is part of our everyday existence. This project gives you the opportunity to produce a piece of contemporary/sculptural stair design whilst introducing some key issues of component design in the context of interior space such as... Continue Reading →


BRIEF This project is an exercise in conveying a narrative (story) through the arrangement of space, objects and media. The story will be of your making and the media of your choice, and the space is the PR1 Gallery. In a museum display objects and media such as graphics or video are arranged in a... Continue Reading →


  INTRODUCTION As customers become increasingly less loyal to particular shops and more “creative” in their buying habits so shops are having to compete harder and harder for the customer’s attention. The design of the shopping environment, both inside and out, is key to the success of a retailer. The role of the Interior Designer... Continue Reading →


BREIF The way in which a designer creates his/her own personal style and ethos to demonstrate and communicate their design solutions is the key to successful design. So you are asked to design a free standing cabinet/storage system in the style of your chosen designer/studio. The construction and materiality of the design must be detailed... Continue Reading →

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