This was my original idea before i even started my MA course, I was purposing that this would be a building and the ultimate social issue experience. However I was questioning myself on whether it would actually work. How would you get people in? Would people really want to willingly go and have an experience that is unpleasant? All these questions where answered today in my session with Steve, Alex, Ceir and Maysoon. After discussing my plans of a series or awareness illustrations and installations to spread awareness on homelessness, loneliness, mental health and addiction I now believe these smaller designs will inform and improve my overall bigger design at the end of the course.  

I purpose to do some prototypes and sketch up designs in order to see how these installations would be made and put together. A city centre and busy public areas would be an ideal place for ‘The Experience’. People won’t feel as though they have been forced in and instead can go into the experience just passing through. Each room will have audio and visual graphics engaging with the consumer which ultimately gives them the experience. 

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